
i just found this but i can't use it on forumotion is there any way to make it suitable?

the javascript creates "new webpage" with not stopping music when you click link

check their preview

Okay then.. let me check it..

You need to host this script:

<script type="text/javascript">
// YouTube Background Music V2 by SlyCooperFan1
// For more codes visit

var music = new Array();var m = 0;
music[m++]=["D3-vBBQKOYU","Windows Error Remix"];
music[m++]=["xSfD4ClDBCk","Fires of Liberation Remix"];
music[m++]=["ZQy5uCodmuE","RPG Maker XP - Theme 1"];
music[m++]=["cZcoQvtNYYs","Three Days Grace - Break"];

//music[m++]=["VIDEO CODE","NAME"];

var board_name="BOARD NAME HERE"

var help="If you choose a track and click 'Go', you will be sent back to the board's home page with background music playing. The music will automatically loop, and will not be interrupted when you click on links. Clicking the music note in the lower-left corner will give you options such as pausing/playing the song currently selected, going back to the home page without music playing, or choosing a different track. Alternatively, you can choose a track and click 'Hear on YouTube' to hear it on YouTube."
newFaceBox.newBox({ id:"musicselection", title:"Select Music", width:"400px", height:"300px", content:"<div id='tracks' style='border:1px white solid;height:240px;width:385px;overflow:auto;'></div><a href='javascript:musicsubmit()'>Go</a> · <a href='javascript:alert(help)'>Help</a> · <a href='javascript:hearyoutube()'>Hear on YouTube</a> · <a href='"+main_url+"'>Cancel</a>", speed:"medium", });"musicselection", "medium");
for(i=0; i<music.length; i++) {
$("#tracks").append("<input type='radio' name='track' value='"+music[i][0]+"' id='"+music[i][0]+"'><label for='"+music[i][0]+"'>"+music[i][1]+"</label><br />");

function musicsubmit(){
var video2 = $('input:radio[name=track]:checked').val();
var videoname = $('input:radio[name=track]:checked').next().text();
$("html, body").css({"height":"100%"});
$("body").append("<div id='player' style='float:left;vertical-align:bottom;position:fixed;left:-1px;bottom:2px;'><div id='ytapiplayer'></div><button id='musicbutton' onclick='musicoptions()'><img src='' alt='Music' /></button></div></div><iframe id='musicframe' height='100%' width='100%' frameborder='0'></iframe>");
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always" };
var atts = { id: "myytplayer" };
swfobject.embedSWF(""+video2+"?enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=ytplayer&loop=1&autoplay=1", "ytapiplayer", "1", "1", "8", null, null, params, atts);
newFaceBox.newBox({ id:"musicoptions", title:"Options", width:"400px", height:"300px", content:"<i>Current Song: <span id='videoname'>"+videoname+"</span></i><br /><a href='javascript:ytplayer.playVideo()'>Play</a><br /><a href='javascript:ytplayer.pauseVideo()'>Pause</a><br /><br /><i>Other Options</i><br /><a href='javascript:musicoff()'>Go to Forum Home and Turn Off Music</a><br /><a href='javascript:selectmusic()'>Choose Another Song</a><br /><br /><a href='javascript:musicopthide()'>Close Options Screen</a>", speed:"medium", });
$("#musicframe").attr("src", main_url);
} else {
alert("Please select which music track you'd like to hear.")
} }
function onYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {
ytplayer = document.getElementById("myytplayer");
function hearyoutube(){
var video2 = $('input:radio[name=track]:checked').val();
function musicoptions(){"musicoptions", "medium");
function musicopthide(){
newFaceBox.close("musicoptions", "medium");
function musicselecthide(){
newFaceBox.close("musicselection", "medium");
function musicoff(){
var help2="If you choose a track and click 'Go', the music in the background will change to the track you selected. The music will automatically loop, and will not be interrupted when you click on links. Clicking the music note in the lower-left corner will give you options such as pausing/playing the song currently selected, going back to the home page without music playing, or choosing a different track. Alternatively, you can choose a track and click 'Hear on YouTube' to hear it on YouTube."
function selectmusic(){
newFaceBox.close("musicoptions", "medium");
newFaceBox.newBox({ id:"musicselection", title:"Select Music", width:"400px", height:"300px", content:"<div id='tracks' style='border:1px white solid;height:240px;width:385px;overflow:auto;'></div><a href='javascript:musicsubmit2()'>Go</a> · <a href='javascript:alert(help2)'>Help</a> · <a href='javascript:hearyoutube()'>Hear on YouTube</a> · <a href='javascript:musicselecthide()'>Cancel</a>", speed:"medium", });"musicselection", "medium");
for(i=0; i<music.length; i++) {
$("#tracks").append("<input type='radio' name='track' value='"+music[i][0]+"' id='"+music[i][0]+"'><label for='"+music[i][0]+"'>"+music[i][1]+"</label><br />");
function musicsubmit2(){
var video2 = $('input:radio[name=track]:checked').val();
var videoname = $('input:radio[name=track]:checked').next().text();

In another host because forumotion block the dollar sign "$" ...

so the script works but it's just the dollar sign?

and where should i upload?

I don't know if its works.. lol i didn't tested it i don't want too..

first save the script in your PC as .js without

<script type="text/javascript">

then upload it.

ok will try

it's not working

I will try later...

The file can't be founded - sorry.